Grad Celebration Pictures

Graduates, we want to see how you are celebrating this momentous occasion! Please send us school appropriate photos that represent you celebrating Grad 2021.  A good suggestion would be a photo of you in your cap n’ gown, dressed up or however you celebrated!  Then, email the best ones to Ms. Bilokury ( and we will do our best to get as many of your photos into this year’s yearbook as we can! Please email your photos to us by Monday June 28th, 2021 by 9 am to make sure we have time to get it in the yearbook!
Thanks The Yearbook Team 

SLC Registration Form

Interested in joining the SLC for the 2021 - 2022 School Year?

Click HERE to fill out your registration form. 

Printed forms can be found in the office and turned into Ms. Quine's room (208)

Please turn in forms by June 21st, 2021

Those students who are selected for the 2021-2022 SLC will be contacted via email or phone on June 28th, 29th or 30th. Please direct any questions to Ms. Quine: