As parents/guardians of a Sheldon music student for the 2024-2025 school year, you may automatically participate in our parents' committee and. All parents are invited to attend our meetings (approx. 5-6 times per year). Through S.W.A.M.P., we coordinate parent involvement as volunteers to help with organizing fundraising opportunities for music trips, uniform sizing and distribution, and any other projects initiated by the music directors. We also help by funding scholarships, workshops, attending camps, awards and plaques, buying HEPA filters, computer and audio interfaces, instruments for elementary students, and future capital like microphones, folders, etc. Please connect with us: for more information.
As a part of the music program, S.W.A.M.P. collects an additional once yearly fee for each student participating in any music program that is separate from the School Cash Online fees. This fee assists with the costs for festivals, awards, scholarships, clinicians, and workshops, as well as to buy necessary instruments and equipment to support the students in all of the music programs.
S.W.A.M.P. FEE $50
Fees payable via e-transfer to: and include student name and grade in memo. Or email us at for a link to pay by credit card.
DATE CHANGE: Hello SWAMP families and friends, please note our annual AGM will take place on Tuesday, Nov 12th @ 630pm in the SWC library. SWAMP committee and the elementary and high school directors will be there to present information about last year and discuss this year's plans. Please plan to attend and add your voice. We are short on elementary school representation this year.