COVID Alert App

SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 -- With the fall weather moving Canadians indoors, it's important that all tools be used to fight the spread of COVID-19. Health Canada has requested that we share information about the COVID-19 alert app for all of our school families and staff. Please consider downloading this app.

To view the Health Canada poster, please CLICK HERE.

Return to School Handbook

September 1, 2020 -- Regina Public Schools families can now read most details about returning to school in one document. The Return to School Parent/Caregiver Handbook includes all the information school families may need to know about school in September and beyond.

The handbook includes:

- Safety precaution details and what the schools and learning will be like in the coming school year

- Transportation

- Curriculum, instruction and assessment for Kindergarten to Grade 12

- Support Services information for students with intensive needs

- Program information for the 2020-21 school year

Online Driver Education

AUGUST 14, 2020 -- Driver Education classes for Regina Public high school students will be held online starting in the fall. Students must be 15 years of age to register before classes begin. To register, please review and complete the program information and application form, as well as the MySGI account information found below. Please send the completed application form to your home high school. If you have any questions, please contact your school office directly.

Application Form

Sheldon Track Athletes Dominate at Provincials

Sheldon Track Athletes Dominate at Provincials

We are proud to announce a phenomenal showing of Sheldon Athletes at the SHSAA 2024 Track and Feild Provincial Championships. They carried home the hardware dawning a total of 6 Gold, 1 Silver and 5 Bronze medals.  Additionally, provincial records were broken! The school community would like to thank the coaches, Mr. Hetterly, Mr. Peters and Mrs. Tallman.  Congratulations to all members of the SWC Track team on an incredible season.




Here are the provincial results.

Hannah G.